Client to Consultant, we deal with Experts and Expertise




INTERPORT is a specialist consultancy and Infrastructure development Company, based in the West Midlands, UK. 

Message from the Managing Director

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

We have to embrace new ideas and formulate new strategies for advancement in business with the global marketplaces changing rapidly and dramatically.

Thanks to widespread availability of state-of-the-art technical gadgets and the latest technological knowhow backed by exponential growth of information & technical technology, the rapid modernization in both developing and developed countries has created potentially large development projects/ planning ready and willing to purchase goods, works and services.

Since its foundation, Interport has provided focus on research and consultancy, consulting & advisory services, turnaround management services for our clients. Our valued global client share in the sectors of Environmental hydraulics, Railway Infrastructure development and Port and Transport Infrastructure Development, regarding our work, a short description has been given in this website along with a developed strategy to attune to the present day times.

We subscribe to the statement by Warren Buffet, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and only 15 minutes to destroy it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently”.

We look forward to sitting down with you and seeing where we can be of service with efficiently and effectively.

Dr. Manzurul Haque
Managing Director