Consultancy Service –

  • Feasibility Studies and Port Master Planning • Environmental and Social Sustainability Services • Port & Shipyards Operation and Maintenance • Marine Design and Construction Services • Port and Shipping Economics & Market Analysis • Infrastructure Development & Design • Coastal and River Engineering and Management • Financial Modelling.


Development of Transport-

  • Port, Harbour and Jetty • Airport • Railways • Roads and Highways • Transport and Transport Engineering.


Water Resources-

  • Flood Control and Bank Protection • River and Coastal Flood Forecasting Systems • Flood Defence Maintenance and Emergency Planning • Estuary Development • Participatory Water Resources Management • Capacity Building •Impact Assessment • Dam and Reservoir Inspections • Sediment Management Strategies • Risk Assessments.


Infrastructure Development-

  • Railway • Roads & Highways• Ports including Inland Ports • Naval Ports • Island • Urban and Regional Development • Maritime Infrastructure • Lifeline Transportation • Intermodal Linkages.


Water and Safeguards-

  • Environmental Management • Social Assessment • Climate Changes & Adaptations.