Interport has completed the “Technical and Economic Feasibility Study of Payra Port” as sub consultants to HR Wallingford: HR Wallingford with its partners study analysed the existing environmental and site conditions, to determine the best navigation route and to develop the overall concept master plan of the proposed port in the context of the requirements of the port Authority, the potential market and the economic feasibility of possible development opportunities.
With HR Wallingford INTERPORT, completed several short time studies for the Government of Bangladesh.
With HR Wallingford INTERPORT, were retained by the Bangladesh Navy, to assist in the development of new pontoon berthing facilities in Chattogram. The scope of work included master planning and concept design, construction execution planning and scheduling, detailed design and specification and technical support during construction for the berth protection dolphin structures to mitigate the risk of vessel damage at berth in the event of drift collisions.
In the UK, INTERPORT has recently completed a series of ferry and international logistics studies for several clients.
Special Jetty including causeway at Cox's Bazar Inani Area (IFR): As CORE consultant to Bangladesh Navy, INTERPORT was engaged in Consultancy, Supervision and to provide detail design, drawings and estimate for a 830m steel piled jetty for the Bangladesh Navy Fleet review. A series of 22.5 spans were design to withstand traffic load from shore to the berthing platform.
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study in the Karnaphuli River as sub-consultant to HR Wallingford: The overall aim of the project was to evaluate the potential for development of Chittagong Port, balancing the physical characteristics and constraints of the Karnaphuli River and the opportunities to develop and grow port maritime traffic and cargo throughput.
Ongoing Projects
Design & Construction of Jetty 3 & 4 in Mongla Port as sub- consultant to HR Wallingford: In order to expand capacity the Mongla Port Authority is extending its current terminal south with the construction of 6 additional bays to establish Jetty 3 & 4 to allow Panamax size vessels access, loading and Unloading.
Asrayan-3, Development of BhasanChar, INTERPORT working as sub-consultant to HR Wallingford: HR Wallingford and the Associate INTERPORT were retained by the Bangladesh Navy to undertake a feasibility study, concept design and detailed design work for a 12km long interim stage flood defence embankment and associated shore protection works on the Island of BhasanChar, northern Bay of Bengal.
BIEZL Marine Terminal, INTERPORT is engaged as sub-consultant to HR Wallingford: The Bashundhara Group proposes to construct a multi-purpose marine terminal near its new steel mill. HR Wallingford in association with INTERPORT is responsible for concept design and construction support for the dry bulk import terminal including supporting marine studies.
Strategic hydrodynamic and morphological Master plan study for Chittagong Port Authority as sub-consultant to HR Wallingford: Study includes development of Karnaphuli navigational and determining challenges and way out of southern coastal area within Chittagong Port Limits.
Market Study for Multipurpose Chattogram Bay Terminal, Bangladesh as sub-consultant to Alhambra Advisors: Study includes Regional macroeconomics & regulatory environment, Characterization of the regional and domestic local traffic, Analysis of key supply chains, Competitive assessment & Shipping lines dynamics.